Free Item Policy

We occasionally give away Free products and we would love it if everyone can get the chance to receive a Free item. We have a created a few rules where everyone can get to receive a free product. 

1) Each Household (Same Shipping Address) is allowed 1 Free item every 2 Years.
2) Only 1 Free item is allowed to be purchased and not more.
3) Shipping cost is not refundable and Free Items can't be returned
4) We have the rights to cancel any Free items orders for any reason.
5) If you purchase more than 1 Free item we have the rights to send any of the free item we want to you.


Our FREE Wall Art designs are not allowed to be used commercially or to be given away for free to others. It is only allowed for personal use.  

If you love our Free Item Giveaways, then make sure you join our big Giveaways on our instagram @Getdawah